Europe 1943: Aftermath of Stalingrad

By February it was all over for the Sixth Army at Stalingrad as the Soviet offensive gathered momentum along much of the Eastern Front. However the rapid advance left the Russians overextended, allowing Germany to regroup and launch a punishing counterattack in the Ukraine.

Main Events

19 Feb–15 Mar 1943 Third Battle of Kharkov

In a series of battles around the city of Kharkov, German forces under Erich von Manstein counterattacked Soviet forces advancing through the Ukrainian SSR, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. The result was a German victory, with the Germans retaking Kharkov and Belgorod and destroying over 50 Soviet wikipedia

2–31 Mar 1943 Third Rzhev-Sychevka Offensive

The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics mounted its third Rzhev-Sychevka Offensive Operation to eliminate the German-held Rzhev salient. Sensing the buildup of Soviet forces, the Germans preemptively withdrew to the south in Operation Bü wikipedia

16–31 Mar 1943 Battle of the Mareth Line

The British Eighth Army under General Bernard Montgomery attacked the Mareth Line in southern Tunisia, defended by the Italo-German 1st Army under General Giovanni Messe. The British successfully outflanked the line, forcing the Axis troops to withdraw north towards wikipedia