Europe 1860: Fall of the Two Sicilies

Having won over the island of Sicily, Garibaldi embarked for the mainland. Facing little resistance he entered the capital of Naples a few weeks later. With the main Sardinian army now marching through the northern Papal States to join him, the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies was finished.

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Main Events

16 Aug 1860–5 Jul 1861 French occupation of Beirut in support of the Christian population

French occupation of Beirut in support of the Christian populationin wikipedia

19 Aug 1860 Garibaldi’s landing in Calabria

Departing from Sicily, Giuseppe Garibaldi crossed the Straits of Messina to land on the beach of Melito di Porto Salvo, Calabria, with 3,700 men on 19 August 1860. In doing so, he was directly disobeying orders from the Count of Cavour, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Sardinia, not to advance onto the Italian peninsula, although his actions found silent approval with King Victor Emmanuel II. Two days later the Garibaldians captured Reggio Calabria in one of the few hard-fought encounters of the campaign before proceeding across Calabria to join their supporters in Basilicata, gathering some 16,000 additional volunteers along the way. in wikipedia

7 Sep 1860 Garibaldi’s entry into Naples

From Calabria and Basilicata, Garibaldi crossed into Campania in early September 1860, prompting King Francis II of the Two Sicilies to abandon Naples and take refuge in Gaeta. One day later, on the 7th, Garibaldi and his army entered Naples in triumph. Francis’ Bourbon garrison stationed in the castles around the city offered no resistance and soon surrendered. in wikipedia

11 Sep 1860 Invasion of the Papal States

By early September 1860, while Garibaldi was invading the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies in the south, the Sardinian army was gathering in Romagna, near the Sardinian border with the Papal States, encouraging riots in the northern Papal cities of Urbino, Pesaro, Senigallia, and Fossombrone. When the Papal army—which predominantly consisted of non-Italian mercenaries—moved to suppress this unrest, Count Cavour, the Prime Minister of Sardinia, protested against this repression and on the 7th sent an ultimatum to Pope Pius IX, demanding that he dismiss his foreign troops. Four days later, with Pius making no efforts to comply, 35,000 Sardinian troops crossed into the Papal States, advancing both along the Adriatic and inland through Umbria. Despite the Pope’s hopes, neither France nor Austria intervened on his behalf. in wikipedia

21 Oct 1860 Plebiscites in the Two Sicilies

On 21 October 1860 plebiscites were conducted across the Sardinian- and Garibaldian-occupied regions of the Bourbon Kingdom of the Two Sicilies. Of the two component kingdoms, Naples voted 1,302,064 to 10,302 in favor of annexation to the Kingdom of Sardinia while Sicily voted 432,053 to 667 in favor. As a result both Naples and Sicily were incorporated into the Kingdom of Sardinia on 17 December, although pockets of Bourbon resistance continued in parts of both territories. in wikipedia