Europe 1917: Bolsheviks Gain Control in Russia

By December 1917, Lenin's Bolsheviks controlled many of the major cities of Russia and the Republic had collapsed. Resistance was strongest amongst the various Cossack hosts, the Menshevik forces in Transcaucasia, and the independence movements among many of Russia's ethnic minorities.

Main Events

10–12 Nov 1917 Kerensky-Krasnov uprising

Kerensky attempts counter-revolution in Russia but defeatedin wikipedia

11 Nov 1917 Transcaucasian Commissariat

The Transcaucasian Commissariat, headed by Georgian pro-Menshevik Social Democrat Nikolay Chkheidze, is established at Tblisi in response to what it considers the illegal seizure of power by the Bolsheviks in Petrograd. Still considering itself part of the now-defunct Russian Republic, the Commissariat temporarily unites Armenians, Georgians, and Azerbaijanis in one wikipedia

15 Nov 1917 Bolsheviks capture Moscow

Bolsheviks capture Moscowin wikipedia

20 Nov–7 Dec 1917 Battle of Cambrai

The Allies, led by the British, launched an offensive on German lines around Cambrai, France. The first day of the battle saw the first mass tank attack in history, with over 400 British tanks in use. However mechanical failure and German defenses limited the impact of the tanks, and the Allied attack ultimately failed to break wikipedia

20 Nov 1917 Ukrainian People’s Republic

Ukrainian republic proclaimedin wikipedia