In the Canadian northwest, tensions between the mixed ancestry Métis and the encroaching government led to a rebellion under Louis Riel in Saskatchewan district. The rebels initial successes encouraged the neighboring Cree to join the revolt, but government forces ultimately prevailed and Riel, who had also led the 1869 Red River Rebellion, was tried and executed.
Following a preliminary agreement signed in New York City on 12 August 1882 under the arbitration of the United States, Guatemala and Mexico signed a final boundary treaty in Mexico City on 27 September. By the terms of the treaty, Guatemala renounced its claim to the territory of Chiapas and agreed to the partition of Soconusco. The Suchiate River was set as the boundary between the two countries, with measurement and demarcation work completed in wikipedia
The Sierra Madre Expedition under US General George Crook tracked down Geronimo in northern Mexico and negotiated his surrender at Canyon de los wikipedia
Louis Riel proclaimed himself president of the Provisional Government of Saskatchewan, starting a Métis rebellion against government of wikipedia