North America 1916: Pancho Villa Expedition

11 April 1916
11 Apr 1916
Pancho Villa Expedition
11 Aug 1898 Spanish-American War
23 May 1900 Thousand Days' War
4 May 1904 Panamian Rebellion
14 Apr 1907 Nicaragua–Honduras War
16 Dec 1907 Great White Fleet
25 May 1911 Mexican Revolution
29 Jan 1914 Banana Wars
20 Aug 1914 Occupation of Veracruz
11 Apr 1916 Pancho Villa Expedition
6 Apr 1917 United States Enters the Great War
28 Jun 1919 Treaty of Versailles
12 Nov 1921 Washington Naval Conference
29 Oct 1929 Wall Street Crash
15 Aug 1934 Great Depression
The coalition that had deposed Huerta collapsed soon after taking Mexico City. A year of fighting followed, in which the once powerful general "Pancho" Villa was defeated and reduced to fighting a guerrilla campaign in the north. In 1916, he crossed the border and raided New Mexico. In response, the US sent a punitive expedition south under General Pershing in an ultimately futile and unpopular effort to hunt Villa down.