Northern Eurasia 1922: Japanese Withdrawal

The Japanese had been involved in Siberia for almost 4 years. Their intervention had achieved little and cost a great deal. Now also under pressure from the U.S., they decided to withdraw. By October 25, the last Japanese troops had left Vladivostok and the communists took over. With the Japanese gone, the Far Eastern Republic had served its purpose and was annexed by Soviet Russia on November 15. However, Japan still controlled North Sakhalin and continued covert backing of the Whites in the northeast.

Main Events

10–16 Jan 1922 Soviet Russia crushes forest partisans in Eastern Karelia

Soviet Russia crushes forest partisans in Eastern Karelia

12 Mar 1922 Federative Union of Socialist Soviet Republics of Transcaucasia

Following the proposal of Soviet ruler, Vladimir Lenin, the Armenian, Azerbaijani and Georgian Soviet Socialist Republics were united into the Federative Union of Socialist Soviet Republics of wikipedia

? May 1922 Basmachi and Bukharans united under Enver Pasha

Basmachi and Bukharans united under Enver Pashain wikipedia

24 Jun 1922 Japanese announce they will withdraw from Primorye (Russian Far East) by end of October

Japanese announce they will withdraw from Primorye (Russian Far East) by end of Octoberin wikipedia

24 Jun 1922 Aleksandr Antonov, leader of Tambov rebellion, killed in Soviet ambush

Aleksandr Antonov, leader of Tambov rebellion, killed in Soviet ambushin wikipedia

? Jul 1922 Bochkaryov takes Anadyr from the Soviets

Bochkaryov takes Anadyr from the Soviets