Asia Pacific 1968: Vietnam War

Vietnam War
14 Sep 1950 Outbreak of the Korean War
24 Nov 1950 UN Offensive in Korea
9 Sep 1951 China in Korea and Tibet
6 May 1954 First Indochina War
28 Mar 1959 China under Mao
16 Sep 1963 Formation of Malaysia
1 Apr 1968 Vietnam War
27 Jan 1973 Paris Peace Accords
2 Dec 1975 Communist Victory in Indochina
5 Mar 1979 Sino-Vietnamese War
At the end of the First Indochina War, Vietnam had been divided between a Communist North and a pro-Western South. From 1959, North Vietnam began infiltrating the South with the support of the Viet Cong, South Vietnamese guerrillas, as the part of its effort to unify the country under Communist rule. In response, the US, which had established a presence in the region when the French departed, moved in with its forces in an attempt to prop up the South Vietnamese regime.