Asia Pacific 1944: Burma Offensives

Allied momentum in the Pacific was not matched in Burma, where a British attempt at reconquest had been beaten back in early 1943. In 1944, the British tried again, using their irregular Chindit forces in an attempt to retake northern Burma and open up the overland route to China. The Japanese swiftly counterattacked with an invasion of northeast India, trying to cut British supply lines at Kohima and Imphal.

Main Events

31 Jan–3 Feb 1944 US capture Kwajalein

US capture Kwajaleinin wikipedia

5 Feb–27 Aug 1944 Operation Thursday

On 5 February the Chindit 16th Brigade set off by foot from Ledo, Assam, to operate in the Pinbon-Pinlebu area of Japanese-occupied Burma. One month later, two more Chindit brigades were flown in to setup fortified bases and airstrips north of Indaw. At the same time General Stilwell’s US and Chinese troops took Maingkwan further north, with the two forces joining up to capture Myitkyina on 3 wikipedia

17–23 Feb 1944 US captures Eniwetok

US captures Eniwetokin wikipedia

29 Feb–18 May 1944 Allies seize Admiralty Islands

Allies seize Admiralty Islandsin wikipedia

7 Mar–22 Jun 1944 Operation U-Go

In Operation U-Go, the Japanese Fifteenth Army under General Renya Mutaguchi crossed into India from Burma, aiming to isolate and capture the British military administration center at Imphal. The British Indian Army repelled the invasion, defeating the Japanese attacks at Imphal and Kohima. By June, the Japanese were in retreat, having suffered over 60,000 casualties to some 17,000 for the wikipedia