the Arctic 1932: Erik the Red's Land

12 July 1932
12 Jul 1932
Erik the Red's Land
9 Oct 1882 First International Polar Year
5 Aug 1892 Opening up Greenland
13 Jun 1898 Klondike Gold Rush
7 Jun 1905 Norwegian Independence
20 Aug 1905 Russo-Japanese War in the Far North
6 Apr 1909 Race to the North Pole
6 Apr 1917 Great War and the Arctic
21 Aug 1918 Allied Intervention in Russia
6 Apr 1920 Far Eastern Republic
31 Oct 1921 Wrangel Island Fiasco
20 Jan 1925 Soviet-Japanese Peace Treaty
14 May 1926 Arctic Flights
12 Jul 1932 Erik the Red's Land
In return for Denmark abandoning any claims on Svalbard, Norway had agreed to recognize Danish sovereignty over Greenland. However, northeast Greenland remained dominated by Norwegian whalers and trappers and in 1931 declared itself for Norway as Erik the Red's Land. The dispute was brought before the World Court in 1933, which ruled against Norway and led it to abandon the claim.