Australasia 1962: West New Guinea dispute

16 November 1962
16 Nov 1962
Decolonization of the Pacific
1788–1859 Australasian Colonies
1859–1901 Colonial Consolidation
1901–1941 Southern Dominions
1941–1945 War in the Pacific
1945–1987 Decolonization of the Pacific
1987–pres Modern Australasia
West New Guinea dispute
When the Netherlands recognized Indonesian independence, it retained western New Guinea on the grounds that its West Papuan inhabitants did not want Indonesian rule. Nonetheless, Indonesia continued to claim the territory, launching attacks on it in 1962. Under US mediation, the Dutch agreed to transfer West New Guinea to the UN, which then transferred it on to Indonesia on the condition that Indonesia grant the West Papuans a referendum on independence in 1969. Although this referendum ultimately rejected independence, the fact that only a tiny minority had been allowed to vote meant that its outcome was never fully accepted by many West Papuans.