Australasia 1889: Samoan Crisis

20 August 1889
20 Aug 1889
Samoan Crisis
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21 Jun 1864 Invasion of the Waikato
8 May 1865 Fijian Confederacy
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6 Nov 1884 New Guinea Protectorates
20 Aug 1889 Samoan Crisis
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14 Mar 1899 Second Samoan Civil War
In the late nineteenth century Britain, Germany, and the US competed for Samoa due to their investments in its plantations and its strategic value as a coaling station. In 1887 the Germans intervened in the islands to make their favored chief king, provoking a civil war. In response, the US sent three warships to Samoa, which faced off against three German warships in Apia harbor. The crisis was brought to an inglorious end when a cyclone hit and wrecked all six warships.