Game of Thrones 510: Mother’s Mercy

In Season 5 the reign of the youthful King Tommen Baratheon was undermined by the (S4 E10) death of his grandfather, Tywin Lannister, and the manipulations of his mother, Cersei Lannister, allowing the fanatical “Sparrows” to gain influence in King’s Landing. The Boltons asserted Northern independence by marrying Ramsay Bolton to Sansa Stark (accused by Cersei of being involved in King Joffrey’s assassination). When Stannis Baratheon marched south from the Wall in an attempt to take Winterfell, the Boltons killed him in battle. Meanwhile the Night’s Watch gave the surviving Free Folk refuge south of the Wall in the face of the advancing White Walkers.

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Main Events

? ?? 501–? ?? 609 Sons of the Harpy

After Daenerys Targaryen’s capture of Meereen, an underground insurgency group known as the Sons of the Harpy appeared in the city and began killing supporters of the new regime. To secure peace, Daenerys made a deal with the Great Masters to reopen the fighting pits and agreed to marry the noble Hizdahr zo Loraq, but was forced to flee city on her dragon Drogon when Meereen’s main fighting pit was swarmed by the Sons and Hizdahr killed. While she was gone, her hand Tyrion Lannister discovered that the Sons were being funded by the slaveholders of Yunkai and Astapor—which had both thrown off Daenerys’s rule—who were in turn backed by the Free City of Volantis. The insurgency was ended when Daenerys, returning with Drogon and a Dothraki horde, defeated the slave-holders’ fleet and routed the Sons in battle. see external link

? ?? 503–? ?? 507 High Sparrow

In the wake of Tywin Lannister’s death, “the Sparrows”—an austere religious protest movement—began appearing in King’s Landing. Hoping to use the Sparrows to extend her power, Queen Mother Cersei Lannister made their leader, the so-called “High Sparrow”, High Septon and gave him a personal army by restoring the Faith Militant. However, after arresting Queen Margaery Tyrell and her brother Ser Loras for their sins, the Sparrows also imprisoned Cersei herself on multiple charges, placing the High Sparrow in a position of influence over young King Tommen. see external link

? ?? 506 Ramsay and Sansa

Ramsay Bolton marries Sansa Stark, asserting Northern independence see external link

? ?? 508 Massacre at Hardhome

White Walkers overrun Free Folk at Hardhome see external link

? ?? 510 Battle in the ice

Stannis defeated and killed outside Winterfell see external link