Game of Thrones 310: Mhysa

In Season 3 Daenerys Targaryen arrived in Astapor and procured the Unsullied (an army of eunuch slave soldiers). With the Unsullied and her three dragons she conquered Astapor, then, allying with the mercenary Second Sons, she took Yunkai. In Westeros, Robb Stark and his followers were betrayed and massacred at The Twins, ending his rebellion in the North.

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? ?? 304 Sack of Astapor

Following her stay in Qarth, Daenerys Targaryen sailed to Astapor in Slaver’s Bay with her followers to acquire the Unsullied, elite warrior-eunuchs. After the Good Masters of Astapor accepted Daenerys’s offer to trade one of her dragons for all of Astapor’s Unsullied, Daenerys revealed that she had deceived them and instead ordered her dragons and the Unsullied to attack the masters. Daenerys then sacked Astapor and freed all the local slaves. see external link

? ?? 309 Red Wedding

Alarmed by the Ironborn invasion of the North and the desertion of the Karstarks, Robb Stark traveled to the Twins in an attempt to regain the support of Walder Frey, who had withdrawn his support for the North’s cause when Robb reneged on his promise to marry one of Walder’s daughters. To placate Walder, Robb arranged the marriage of Edmure Tully to one of the Frey daughters instead, but at the wedding banquet Walder’s forces, supported by the treacherous Boltons, suddenly attacked and killed Robb’s wife Talisa, Robb himself, and his mother Catelyn, as well as many Stark retainers. The betrayal was orchestrated by Tywin Lannister, who had agreed to grant the Freys Riverrun and the Boltons the North in return for their support. see external link

? ?? 309 Battle of Yunkai

After sacking Astapor, Daenerys Targaryen traveled north to Yunkai, where she convinced the mercenary leader Daario Naharis and his Second Sons to join her cause. That night, Daario, accompanied by Ser Jorah Mormont and Grey Worm of the Unsullied, entered Yunkai by the rear gate and quickly captured the city when Yunkai’s slave soldiers surrendered. The following morning, Daenerys proclaimed to the slaves of Yunkai that they were freed, becoming in turn revered by them as their “Mhysa” (mother). see external link