Game of Thrones 210: Valar Morghulis

In Season 2 Robb Stark released Theon Greyjoy, his father’s ward, in an attempt to forge an alliance with the Greyjoys of the Iron Islands, but was betrayed when the Iron Islanders proceeded to raid the North and briefly take Winterfell. In the south, Stannis Baratheon had his brother Renly assassinated with blood magic but was defeated in battle when he attempted to take King’s Landing.

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Main Events

? ?? 201–? ?? 204 Daenerys’ Red Waste crossing

Following the death of Khal Drogo, Daenerys Targaryen and her few remaining followers traveled across the vast Red Waste in search of succor. After a long journey, in which Daenerys lost her mare and one of her bloodriders, they eventually reached the city of Qarth. see external link

? ?? 205–? ?? 210 Ironborn Invasion of the North

When King Robb Stark sent Theon Greyjoy to Pyke, capital of the Iron Islands, to offer an alliance to Theon’s father Lord Balon Greyjoy, Balon rejected Robb’s terms and instead opted to launch an invasion of the North while Robb was fighting the Lannisters in the south. To accomplish this, Balon’s daughter Yara was given command of thirty ships, with which she captured Deepwood Motte, while Theon was commanded to raid the Stony Shore. Disobeying his orders, Theon instead used his knowledge of the North to capture the Northern capital Winterfell, but unwittingly allowed the Stark princes Bran and Rickon to escape. Ignoring Yara’s advise, Theon then refused to abandon Winterfell and was himself captured when the city was retaken. see external link

? ?? 205 Death of Renly Baratheon

With the support of House Tyrell of Highgarden, Renly Baratheon was crowned king and married to Margaery Tyrell. He quickly gathered an army of 100,000 men from the Reach and the Stormlands and began preparations to march on King’s Landing, while pleasing Catelyn Stark by vowing to avenge her husband Eddard’s death. However, he was opposed by his older brother Stannis, who considered himself to have the only legal claim to the throne and demanded that Renly step down, something Renly refused to do. That night black smoke in human shape—an assassin conjured up by the Lord of Light to do Stannis’s bidding—killed Renly and the following day most of his forces, now without a leader, joined Stannis. see external link

? ?? 209 Battle of the Blackwater

Stannis Baratheon’s sailed into Blackwater Bay with the intention of destroying the royal fleet and landing troops under the city walls of King’s Landing, whose garrison was severely outnumbered by Stannis’s men. However, in a plan devised by Tyrion Lannister, Hand of King Joffrey, Stannis’s fleet was instead surprised by a wildfire attack, which destroyed many ships in an explosion. Unperturbed, Stannis attempted to storm the city with his battered army but was conclusively defeated when Tywin Lannister arrived with a combined Lannister–Tyrell army, forcing Stannis to abandon the field with his few remaining retainers. see external link